Kameron is a recovering political operative from California.

“Gold rush and miners doin’ a jig California”, not to be confused with “blonde surfer-bro California”. There are no celebrities up here, only lots and lots of water.

At some point along the way, Kameron discovered that politics is a slightly cynical biz that darkens one’s outlook on life and generally leaves a chap feelin’ a bit dreary. So to significantly improve his outlook on life, he accidentally tripped into an industry that’s only a fraction of a degree less cynical and only a smidgen less slimy: online marketing.

Now, he writes copy and does “strategic messaging”, interrupts his team members on Slack with wild ideas at 2am (Eastern time, not normal time… I’m not an animal) and generally causes a ruckus. He’s been known to resort to instant coffee when the Folger’s runs out and has been known to ask who would win in a fight between a squirrel and a cucumber (dare you answer?).

He’s run out of clever things to say, feels slightly awkward about talking in the 3rd person and has a list of obligatory identifiers to round out this obtuse page: Christian, husband, two dogs, coffee with almond milk (don’t judge), Emmolo’s Merlot from Napa Valley (goodness, that was a great steak…)

If you’re really ridiculous enough to want to know more, just go to www.buyleadcraft.com, fork over the cash and we’ll be working together soon. Mkbye.

Or I guess you could email me…kameron@kameronsnow.com or even add me on Facebook IF YOU FEEL SO INCLINED.